
Everything a girl needs to know about faking it


Monday mornings can be a little rough on some of us, especially if we had a busy weekend. The biggest hurdle is having to look fresh and enthusiastic about the week ahead, or having to avoid the boss all day until you have recovered.

Let’s not stress about this anymore, here is a few hints that will help you fake it until Tuesday.

  • The trick is to exfoliate your skin in the morning, by removing the dead skin you will automatically brighten up the face.
  • Moisturize well, lack of sleep can sometimes leave your skin dry and ashy. Keep the skin hydrated as this will plump the skin.
  • We all heard about placing tea bags on the eyes, but how does this work. Simply, caffeine constricts the blood vessels, the tannins reduce the inflammation whilst the pressure tamps down the puffiness.
  • When the skin is looking dull, the trick is to use less foundation. Choose a formula that contains light reflecting particles, and when using powder, only powder the chin and the forehead. This will leave you with a healthy glow.
  • Dark circles under the eye can be covered with concealer. Choose a shade that is one shade lighter than your natural shade, be careful, another lighter can look ghostly.
  • The easiest give away of a late night, is blood shot eyes which is caused due to dehydration, simple way to remedy is by using eye drops.

And there you have it, a few simple ways to helping you fake it.