
Spring break is a wonderful time for a club Med  get away, and being a single mom I am always looking for places that are kid friendly.

The ideal getaway during this short break was Mauritius. Obviously, its a no brainer.  Only four hours from Durban and a two hour time difference makes it the ideal escape.

It has been two years since my last vacation to Mauritius. The last visit was at

Read more about my stay


This time on booking I found out that the La Pointe aux Canonniers was under renovation so my next best option was’Albion-Club-Med/y

Although this is a Five star resort, I have heard that it was not as kid friendly as the previous resort that I had stayed at, however I gave it a go.

So here is my review on the two resorts :

I found that when comparing the two resorts I much favoured La Pointe aux Canonnier for these reasons :

La Plantation d’ Albion

Although this resort was alluringly elegant, I found that it fell short in a few elements that is required when holidaying with kids.

  • When booking this resort, it is important to note that it is a five star resort, therefore it would be, and most definitely is quieter than your usual kid friendly resorts.
  • There was very little activity around the pool so if you are expecting pool sports and DJ’s playing, think again.
  • Music levels were kept low as compared to La Pointe aux Canonnier where everyday seemed like a party.
  • The beach on this side of the island is much smaller and not as enchanting as the beaches on the other side.
  • The resort offered a few water activities as part of the package and these included snorkelling, standup paddle boarding, and kayaking. There were a few other activities that you could book with the private operators. The downside about the included activities like the snorkelling  was that you could only book on the day. This had to be done at 9am, unfortunately with me being on holiday, there was no chance of me waking up before 11am.
  • I found that most of the visitors on the resort were from South Africa, so everyday felt like I never left home. For some travellers home is good. However when I travel, I need to feel like I’m away.
  • The food was incredible and in abundance. The food was served buffet style with at least 10 stations available. If you are a foodie, you will be in foodie heaven.

La Pointe aux Canonnier

  • This was my first experience with Club Med, and I have to tell you that I was blown away. The resort was  alive with entertainment from morning into the wee hours of the next day.
  • Although the resort is smaller in size as compared to Albion, it was comfortable.
  • The kids were constantly entertained whether at the kids club or at the pool.
  • The room I occupied here was smaller than the one at Albion however the beauty lay in that my room overlooked the exquisite beach.
  • In comparison to the Albion beach, La Pointe aux Canonnier sat on a much bigger beach. There was always  a hub of activity on the beach. Some were  part of Club Med and some private. The private vendors brought more of a variety of what was offered therefore I do not believe that people complained about the extra costs.

In terms of a holiday experience, both are enticing resorts, and like everything, it always depends on what you are looking for.

If you are wanting a family holiday and traveling with younger kids, my recommendation is the La Pointe aux Canonnier resort. The kids will delight in the activities and all that is on offer.

If you are travelling with teenagers and still want them entertained whilst you relax part taking in adult time, then I recommend Albion.

Either way you will still get to enjoy the hospitality of the staff, the food and the evening entertainment. The standard at which you will be treated definitely will not differ.




Tags : Beach getawayClub MedClub Med MauritiusholidayMauritiusVacation