Elements Cafe

When Sunday comes knocking, there is only one place in Durban where the Valaskatzis clan congregate, and that is the Beverly Hills Hotel in Umhlanga, Durban. For as long as I can remember, in fact as long as probably 12 years, I have been eating Sunday lunch at the Sugar club. They serve the most incredible hot and cold buffet, and whilst eating you are serenaded by the sounds of their live entertainment. It is the perfect setting to begin winding down and getting ready to conquer the week ahead.

It so happened that I had forgotten to make a reservation there for Mothers’ day this year because I was going to be traveling at the time, however plans changed and I found myself in Durban. Thankfully the amazing staff at that the hotel managed to find me a table at the Elements Café and bar.  I am not sure why I did not try this restaurant often before, maybe I am just a creature of habit, but for some crazy reason we always ate at the Sugar Club. Needless to say, since Mothers’ day, I have been hooked.

I am completely in love with the crisp clean décor and the color scheme just soothes my soul. I often eat in some restaurants and the decor is extremely busy and I find myself rushing through my meal, however at the Elements Cafe’, I am completely relaxed and find myself sitting there for hours.

Today was no exception to their incredible hospitality. We started off with beef carpaccio dressed with mushrooms, parmesan, pine nuts and rocket with flat bread. The carpaccio needed some lemon and even though I requested lemon, the waiter seemed to have forgotten, however this slight error on the part of the waitor was soon forgotten when our main meal arrived. Placed in front of me was a lamb curry served with basmati rice and roti, side served with the usual salads. Although I live in Durban which is the home of curry, I rarely get to enjoy this meal, so on occasion when I feel like a good curry, the Beverly Hills is my stop.

The curry was nothing short of delicious, the lamb was soft and tender and when it hit my mouth, my taste buds did a happy dance.

Secretly, there is another reason I love this venue so much. When you are in Durban, it becomes very apparent that this is the city of shorts and slops, and I am one of those people that enjoy dressing, so every time I go out I always feel over dressed. But this is never the case at the Beverly Hills. Everyone gets dressed which is amazing and makes me feel like I am home. Even a simple garment like shorts gets dressed up and the ladies look fabulous.

The most appealing thing about Sunday’s at this venue is that people gather there not only to enjoy a fantastic meal but also to take in the incredible view and listen to the  chilled music. There is no better place ease into the week ahead.

My new favorite place in Durban on a Sunday is by far, the Elements Café and Bar.