
For most women out there, putting on their eyeliner is harder than climbing Mount Everest. I mean they avoid it like a plague as if these poor little pencils are going to grow fangs and attack the eyes. Unfortunately, being in the makeup industry, I can’t help but notice the way people apply their makeup. I could spend hours sitting at some coffee shop watching people as they walk by, admiring their clothes, shoes and makeup, however, its not always admiration.

After speaking to many of my clients it has become apparent that the fear of the eyeliner must be conquered. So here I am, kitted out in my super hero ensemble to the rescue.

Shaky hands is the main culprit that causes nervousness, so instead of trying to keep a stable hand and getting the eyeliner everywhere, try dotting the eyeliner as close to the lash line as possible and once done, connect the dots. If you wish to create a “cat eye” then start the dotting mid way along the lid and mark where you would like the flick to end. Once you have connected the dots, simply clean out and shape using a Q tip.

Liquid liner can be quite messy and a shaky hand can create a jagged line, so to avoid this, first use a pencil. Once you have created the line using the pencil, trace over the pencil with the liquid liner. The pencil will avoid the liquid from bleeding and you will have a clean, smooth line.

Sometimes creating wings that are symmetrical can be a nightmare, never stress. Use scotch tape or the edge of a business card to find your points and create the perfect flick.

And last, every makeup artist needs to ensure that their products are in good condition for them to do what they need to. Living in hot humid temperatures, it is common to find our eye pencils getting soft and brittle. This is easy to fix, just pop them into the fridge for a little. This will harden the pencil making it easier to use.

So, these are my eyeliner hacks, and I am sure you have some of your own, please share with me and help others conquer this fear.


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