
I hate to admit it, but how to make false eye lashes look natural ,is a trend that is here to say. There is nothing more alluring on a woman’s face than those long thick lashes. Unfortunately, like many things, very few have been blessed to have these naturally.

The trend was revived with Kim Kardashian, who I might add made a fortune off the  lash business.

False lashes look wonderful, however when applied incorrectly can look very unappealing, so before you venture out of the confines off your room, practice applying lashes and ensure that they are well fitted and look as natural as possible. One of the things to be careful about is too always remember that the thicker the lashes, the more heavier they are, which can also make your eyelids close, so be warned.

There are a variety of false lashes in the market, some will include the strip lash, there are also single lashes and then you will find the trio lashes. What are the differences?

  • The strip false lashes is just one strip and the application fits over the entire area.
  • The single false lashes is exactly what it is,  single lashes. These are very tricky to put on because they can easily change direction when the glue is wet.
  • The trio lashes are obviously that however are much easier to apply than the single lash.


  1. When choosing your false lashes, stick to lashes that have a clear band, as these will blend. Thick dark bands are without a doubt the biggest give away that you are wearing false lashes.
  2. If you find that your strip lashes are stiff, wrap them around a pencil so that they take shape.
  3. I always prefer using a dark glue as it accentuates the lash line.
  4. When applying the lashes make certain that you are applying them to the lash line and not onto your eyelids. If you apply the false lashes to the eyelid, you will notice a gap between the real lashes and the fake ones.
  5. Once the false lashes are secure, apply mascara to blend them together.
  6. I always like to end off with a liquid liner to neaten the application.


Tags : beautybeauty tipsfake lashesfalse lasheslashesmakeupmakeup application