


Crayfish Thermidor

Seafood is one of my favourite meals, but I have always steered clear from cooking it. When you think about crayfish Thermidor, one would think you would need to be a chef to know how to conjure up this meal. Not any more. This recipe is so simple and easy to follow.


4 Crayfish

1 large chopped onion

250 ml cream

1/2 teaspoon fish spice

1/2 teaspoon cajun spice

50 grams butter

1 teaspoon mixed spice

1 teaspoon garlic

1 green pepper

30 ml lemon juice

Crayfish thermidor

Remove the meat from the shell, be careful not the break the shell.

Cut off the discoloured meat.

Chop up the meat into cubes.

Add the butter to a large pan.

Add the chopped onion, green pepper and garlic.

Wait until it is half cooked, then add the mixed spice, fish and cajun spice.

Wait for 1 minute, then add the crayfish.

Cover with a lid and wait for about 1 minute before adding the cream.

Stir well and add the lemon juice.

Be careful not to over cook the meat.

Once cooked, move the crayfish Thermidor sauce back into the shell, serve hot with rice or a side of your choice.


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